Saturday, March 6, 2010

This weekend!

Working with the Asmore State School this weekend was a real test of patients and understanding. I am so excited that God is working in these kids lives. We started this weekend with a long car ride to the camp. I never expected that kids could be so rambunctious, and eat so much candy in such a short time. So we arrived at the camp and were directed to a room to be a co-leader with. As soon as we arrived it was time for morning tea. In Australia, morning tea is a half hour break with tea/coffee/juice and usually some fruit and some baked goods! After morning tea, we had X-Plorers boot camp. After lunch we went on a scavenger hunt. It was forsure a survival scavenger hunt. I had to lead a team with Monika, and there were leeches in the forest. The were lots of mozies (mosquitoes) there too, and the kids were really worried about the bugs. One of the girls got bit by a leech and then a few other kids got bit by bugs and stung by a poisonous plant. Once the kids started crying, everyone went hysterical. The kids went back to the base and then we had afternoon tea. After dinner we had X-Plorers Life Trainging and Keirsten, Marten, Zida, and Simon all gave their tragedies and they had an open handed time and kids decided that they wanted to know more about God and they wanted to talk to us and we prayed for them. God is moving in their lives and it's amazing!!! After that amazing moment, we all headed off to the caves. If you've ever seen Planet Earth, and you've seen the glow worms of the caves, those are the ones I saw!!! It was absolutely amazing, and I was so blessed by that! God is so good and He continues to show me His love, mercy and grace! He is so amazing!!!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!


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