Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Journal Entry!

"God wrote the redemption plan in His name: Hand Behold, Nail Behold," Chris Twinn said as he was telling of the character and nature of God. This statement was such an eye opening moment for me, it helped me really believe the awesomeness of our loving Father. Through my DTS here at YWAM Gold Coast, God has been challenging me in 3 different ways: mentally, spiritually, and physically.

Leaving for my DTS was going to be a challenge because I knew I was leaving behind my family, my new friends, and my new boyfriend. This was going to be a huge mental battle, but I knew that if I remained with God that He'd bless me through it. So, after leaving my friends and family at the airport I knew I was in for an adventure with God. This has been mentally challenging for me because I am always thinking of home and missing them, but I know that I am here to be used by God, so I am sticking through it!

Christianity has always been something I believed in, but the details never seemed to matter. But here on my DTS, I am always being challenged on my beliefs and I am starting to get my own beliefs that are important to me. I've been able to spend lots of time with God everyday which has been a huge part of my growth spiritually. During lectures I love hearing about God as my father and i love just learning about Him.

The weather here is different from home, but I love it! It's always at least warm and sunny. The heat has been challenging for me to make sure i am drinking enough water. I don't think I have ever drinking so much water in my life. I am exercising more too; everyday we walk to and from the base, it takes about 8 minutes each way. However it is nothing compared to what I am going to be doing in PNG! The plan is to do the Kokoda Trail, this will be challenging but God is going to do GREAT things through us on this journey!

Although all this I have learned already, I still have so much to learn! I am still challenged with homesickness, but I am here to learn about God, so that is what I plan on doing. Our outreach in PNG is going to a physical, spiritual, and emotional challenge, but God is going to bless me through it!

Park Outreach!!

Just the Beach!

I miss everyone so much, Please keep praying for me that God will provide for me and continue working in my life!



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